With more retail traders than ever, it was only a matter of time before the strategies deployed became faster, more sophisticated, and of course, more profitable.
Hi, Appreciate your detailed article keeping beginners like me. tried openbb preset but not able to configure the preset. any additional details on sample low_IV template would be helpful. Thanks in advance
I remember only changing 2 or so details for the low_IV configuration, please provide a moment as I search for the file to share the exact configuration with you. It's been awhile since I've deployed this strategy, so apologies for the delay. Thanks!
Hi, I would like to check again, if you could share details on low_IV preset change. Also one more question on options-quant, I am exploring mibian python library for options pricing. any thought on Mibian? is there any reason why you options-quant over other pricing source /mibian? Thanks for sharing and appreciate all your response..
I just gave a look through Mibian's source code and it seems pretty cool! It seems to only have 2 models however (european options only), so it doesn't have much use beyond very basic things for learning purposes. With Options-Quant there's a few hundred different models, so it actually gives the ability to make breakthroughs in trading.
And I'm sorry, but I cannot remember how I configured the Low IV screen for OpenBB. My recommendation is to use the ThinkOrSwim screener as an alternative, and for the configuration, scan for all options with implied volatility's less than the historical average. https://tlc.thinkorswim.com/center/howToTos/thinkManual/Scan
How did you make the custom low_IV preset? I dont see that option in openBB
Hi, Appreciate your detailed article keeping beginners like me. tried openbb preset but not able to configure the preset. any additional details on sample low_IV template would be helpful. Thanks in advance
I remember only changing 2 or so details for the low_IV configuration, please provide a moment as I search for the file to share the exact configuration with you. It's been awhile since I've deployed this strategy, so apologies for the delay. Thanks!
Hi, I would like to check again, if you could share details on low_IV preset change. Also one more question on options-quant, I am exploring mibian python library for options pricing. any thought on Mibian? is there any reason why you options-quant over other pricing source /mibian? Thanks for sharing and appreciate all your response..
I just gave a look through Mibian's source code and it seems pretty cool! It seems to only have 2 models however (european options only), so it doesn't have much use beyond very basic things for learning purposes. With Options-Quant there's a few hundred different models, so it actually gives the ability to make breakthroughs in trading.
And I'm sorry, but I cannot remember how I configured the Low IV screen for OpenBB. My recommendation is to use the ThinkOrSwim screener as an alternative, and for the configuration, scan for all options with implied volatility's less than the historical average. https://tlc.thinkorswim.com/center/howToTos/thinkManual/Scan